Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Resolution

Time does really fly. Without realising, it's the end of the year again. I still remember this time, last year I was still in Dubai, and all of us were really excited about celebrating new year. Coming up with plans on what we should do, everyone helping out for the celebration so that we can have fun even though we are faraway from our home.

People always make New Year Resolution but I wonder how many actually achieved or did every single thing they said? =P Anyway, it's would be nice I guess to make some resolution for year 2010, so that I can have a look by the end of next year and see what is my problem that I can't achive it XD

So here it goes..

New Year Resolution for 2010

1. Find a [Good] Job (A must for me -_-")

2. Make sure I sleep the right time (been trying this since I'm 18 XD)

3. Lose weight! (This can achieve, but always will bounce back up T_T)

4. Save money (Not a good money saver =x)

5. Able to take care of myself without needing others to worry me ^^

6. Try to be LESS emo (less only, not 100% not emo! =P)

Ermm.. that's all ba, dowan make too much resolution. Later cannot achieve very "fish" 1 le haha. Notice my resolution don't have any material stuff 1 =/ So what new year resolution do you have? =P Share with me keke.

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