Imagine this, one day while you were driving at some highway with not much people who's using it, you spotted a young and pretty Damsel-in-Distress. Hoping that by helping her, you will get to know her and give her a good impression, you stopped your car and approached her.
You asked her what's the matter and she points at the tyre. With a look, obviously the tyre is punctured. As a macho and gentleman, you offered to help her to change the tyre of course. She delightfully accepts the offer and therefore, you started changing the punctured tyre.
The D-i-D observes your every movement while you were helping her with the tyre. You carried the big and heavy tyre single handed, showing off the well sculpted strong arm of yours to her. Deep in her heart, she is actually very impressed with you, a tough man with a soft heart.
She peeks at you from time to time, hoping that you will not notice that she is looking at you but you are actually aware of it, and acted cool. When you are done, you place the punctured tyre at the car boot and closes it gently.
Hearing the sound, she knew that you are done. So she walked over to you, hoping to thank you personally for being her knight when she's in trouble. She was smiling while walking to you, but as she is nearer and nearer, her expressions became more and more disgusted. Her intended warm thank you speech turned into something as cold as steel.
The reason? You are literally bathing in sweat!! And you should know, sweat is not cool! This isn't how the ending should be =/ If only you have discovered Adidas Action 3 earlier...things would definitely be different. With Adidas Action 3 Fresh Anti-Perspirant Spray, it can give you a cool and refreshing protection against perspiration. It contains 0% Alcohol and has anti whitening as well!
Use Adidas Action 3 Fresh Anti-Perspirant Spray so that the next time you help another D-i-D, you can say "No Sweat" =)

The D-i-D observes your every movement while you were helping her with the tyre. You carried the big and heavy tyre single handed, showing off the well sculpted strong arm of yours to her. Deep in her heart, she is actually very impressed with you, a tough man with a soft heart.

Hearing the sound, she knew that you are done. So she walked over to you, hoping to thank you personally for being her knight when she's in trouble. She was smiling while walking to you, but as she is nearer and nearer, her expressions became more and more disgusted. Her intended warm thank you speech turned into something as cold as steel.

P/S: This is an advertorial for Project Alpha Season 2. Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. Auditions are now open! Check it out at

so funny with ur assumptions..
from Nikel Khor
Imaginative =P
nice advert! way to go~!
thanx ^^
good piece of work!!!!
nice one. nanged u!
mind nanging back? tho mine nt s creative s urs -.-
thanx ^^
I believed that I nanged you ady yday ^^
yeah.... it true NO SWEAT at all
nice one! all the best for the entry! ^_^
come check mine too
Yea u got my pun =P
tq ^^
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