Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm Back =P

I've reformatted my PC so I'm back again XD A lot of things I have yet to install back including Photoshop, so no watermark or editing =( Anyway beside's I'm back, my mom is back as well XD
My mom works at overseas and comes back few times a year. She always bring something back for me as well especially Chocolates ^^

This time, she bought a Kipling bag for me! Besides that, there's also a pair of sandal which is quite yeng but not in pic and as usual, chocolates but with snacks as well this time!!

The Kipling bag she bought for me. Well we both don't know whether it's original or not, but who cares, it's freaking cute =D

The logo. Look at the bag, decorated with Kipling logo and their trademark chimpanzee =D

Some of the snacks and chocolate she brought back for us ^^

I love Caramel a lot! Kit Kat Caramel Chunky which was once introduced in Malaysia but somehow they stopped selling it, but it's available in Dubai so she brought back some for me! Happiness XD Besides that, Galaxy, is something like Cadbury in Malaysia at Dubai. People there prefer Galaxy and so do I! The chocolate is so so so so much smoother than Cadbury! Super love the one with Caramel, because I said, I love Caramel XD

*Did you noticed that there's a lot of exclamation mark when I talk about chocolate? That shows my excitement when I talk about Chocolate as a Chocoholic haha =P*

Actually there's more stuff she brought back, including Pringles from Dubai, they have flavours that are not available in Malaysia, and Pringles from any other country taste better than Malaysia.

That's all for now, happy to see my mom and wanna thank her for all the stuff she brought back! Love XOXO =P

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