Before you start reading, I think I should tell you 1st that although I went for Tokio Hotel Concert, but I didn't see Tokio Hotel. But still, I've found 2 videos of them performing yesterday so you will still get to see them rocking live in action~ =D
I got invited to Tokio Hotel concert by Spec, and to tell the truth I am really no fan of theirs. I just went for the sake of going lol. I met up with Spec, GreenTeaBern and his gf, Eve around 6pm. We went to the concert place and took some photos first.
I got invited to Tokio Hotel concert by Spec, and to tell the truth I am really no fan of theirs. I just went for the sake of going lol. I met up with Spec, GreenTeaBern and his gf, Eve around 6pm. We went to the concert place and took some photos first.

The concert have 2 guest performers and they are Pop Shuvit and Bunkface. The concert started around 7 something with a DJ spinning for about 15minutes, then Pop Shuvit starts to perform.

They performed about 4-5 songs, then it was followed up by another DJ who spinned for about another 15minutes till Bunkface performs. Well only now I realised that the song Prom Queen was sung by Bunkface LOL! =x Anyway, great performance by both the performers.
I decided to leave as the opening acts took really freaking long time and the concert is still not starting. I am really tired of standing, and like I've said previously I am not a fan of Tokio Hotel. I went off to some off the booths at the concert area and hang out there a playing Battle of the Bands LoL!
Anyway, I heard they announced that Tokio Hotel wasn't there yet, so the previous DJ have to spin again to fill in the time till they arrive lol. From 8.30pm till 9pm when I left the concert area, and Tokio Hotel was yet to be seen lol. They arrived around 9.15pm IF I'm not mistaken.
Anyway, I do not know if the concert was great or not, but I love the DJ's~ they did a great job mixing and spinning haha. Same goes to Pop Shuvit and Bunkface =) As for the concert, I guess I have to find out from GTB lol.
I decided to leave as the opening acts took really freaking long time and the concert is still not starting. I am really tired of standing, and like I've said previously I am not a fan of Tokio Hotel. I went off to some off the booths at the concert area and hang out there a playing Battle of the Bands LoL!
Anyway, I heard they announced that Tokio Hotel wasn't there yet, so the previous DJ have to spin again to fill in the time till they arrive lol. From 8.30pm till 9pm when I left the concert area, and Tokio Hotel was yet to be seen lol. They arrived around 9.15pm IF I'm not mistaken.
Anyway, I do not know if the concert was great or not, but I love the DJ's~ they did a great job mixing and spinning haha. Same goes to Pop Shuvit and Bunkface =) As for the concert, I guess I have to find out from GTB lol.

Tokio Hotel's hair bah....
lol, Malaysian artists taking chance to publicize themselves. But I bet they rock also, I like Pop Shuvit.
Pop Shuvit even made a song for Cyril too.
WA! Go watch Tokio Hotel never ask me la lol. So funny huh, you go there but never watch them perform.
U go there so early but they come so late... they are not punctual! I guess some fans might be feeling disappointed.
Lol ya not too bad =P but they couldn't make the crowd go really wild haha..
Ppl bring me go 1 lol. What to do, I've been standing from 6pm till 8.30pm le. And it's really hard to breath + drizzling.
Lol, fans dun mind to wait, but non fans mind to wait =x
YER! Didn't bring me go!? =)
baboon what also wana go. lol
boys like girls is way better than TH i guess XD
Not my ticket haha..
I think maybe? haha
wah that long for them to arrive and perform....
Ya..and the concert end around 10 =.=
haha... so u just went there to see the opening performance? rugi lorh. better give me the ticket lah. :p
Tired la, stand already so many hours under the rain sumore u know and they still havent come =.=
owh, I missed that...but I suppose to be there if i was not sick >.<
gogo bunkface!
hor~~ din ask me go larh...
haha... xD
tokyo hotel... jz dislike da hair~~
too long nehx >.<
lucky u didnt go then, or else u will get sick coz we have to stand under the rain =.=
yea~ i kinda like bunkface also haha..
not my ticket la haha..i didnt listen to their song except automatic coz always play
is pop shuvit bassist la,not guitarist lol
haha sorry sorry, edit ady.
wow! best 1 utama! ha! have a nice day!!
p/s=Hěn gāoxìng rènshi nǐ
y dun invite me d?
Thanx =)
Aiyo I already repeat 101 time that ticket is not mine! =.=
The Tokyo hotel was full with hoards of people the concert was so rocking and wonderful. All the performances were pretty good with good listeners of the show.
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